G1: Long grindy match. Tezzeret made a 5/5 artifact. Satyr tokens killed off Tezzeret before he could start pumping up an Inkmoth Nexus. Monsters started generating lots of tokens and looked good to win it until Batterskull came down. Once Batterskull was equipped on the 5/5, it was gain 9 life each turn (because Rabblemaster made goblins that must attack). Monsters had the opportunity to gang block with everything and kill the 9/9, but declined… a mistake since a few turns later Black Sun’s Zenith completely wiped out all of Monster’s tokens. Batterskull MVP FTW but it was the only game it made an appearance. Monsters 0-1.
G2: Tezzeret mulliganed, regretted it, then struggled on mana and Monsters had a fast start. Quick game. Monsters 1-1.
G3: Tezzeret adds 4 Flashfreeze to the deck and Monsters takes out some planeswalker copies. Consume the Weak helps slow things down, but 3 consecutive Rabblemasters overwhelm Tezzeret. Monsters 2-1.
G4: Monsters has a slow start and Tezzeret becomes the aggressor with Creeping Tar Pits and a 5/5 artifact. Flashfreeze protects the lead. 2 Creeping Tar Pits swing in for the win. Monsters 2-2.
G5: Inquisition strips away what would’ve been a turn 2 Rabblemaster – whew! Tezzeret decides to tap out to play Sphinx given how few removal spells Monsters has, but Monsters has the perfect answer – end step Putrefy from the sideboard. Then Monsters plays Vraska and Tezzeret has to sacrifice 3 consecutive Tar Pits just to eventually get rid of Vraska. Monsters bloodrushes a mana elf to get Tezzeret down to 2 while he’s tapped out. In the end, there is only a mana elf and a Tumble Magnet. A second mana elf. A second Tumble Magnet. Several draw steps. Attacking mana elves for the win! Monsters 3-2. Monsters advances.