1999 Bargain vs. 2018 RB Aggro

So, because the Bargain deck is complicated and fairly difficult to pilot, we did a practice game. Bargain won on turn 2. TURN TWO! Ok, we thought, this will be a blowout. The Bargain deck then completely failed to get the cards it needed for the rest of the match. Every game the red deck did the same thing: turn one? Bomat Courier, hit you for 1. Turn two, Kari Zev, hit you with Bomat Courier. Turn 3, Hit you for 5 with Kari, Ragavan, and Bomat. Apparently the lost card draw from this 7 damage was enough to stall the Bargain deck. It would get Bargain into play, and even a Delusions of Mediocrity, but it could never get enough Grim Monoliths to get the mana engine going. This was an odd result, for you would think that drawing about 15 extra cards would be enough to win the game, but there was always something missing – the turnabouts were all near the bottom, or the vampiric tutor never showed up, or the Grim Monoliths were hiding… it just didn’t come together. Red decks are Bargain’s achilles heel though, they always pressure the life total so quickly and force the Bargain deck to go for the combo a little earlier than desirable. So, yeah – Bargain elimainated. Red-Black 3-0.

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