2005 Ghazi-Glare vs 2015 “Green Devotion”

Although it was titled Green Devotion at the time, the deck is really RG Monsters. The only Devotion card is in the sideboard, and Dragonlord Atarka is in the maindeck. This deck is almost all ramp and threats, aside from the creature removal that Polukranos and Atarka are capable of. Ghazi-Glare has Umezawa’s Jitte, token creators, Glare of Subdual for tapping the opponent’s creatures, and some big creatures like Yosei and Kodama of the North Tree.
The match, however, wasn’t close. The MVP was Whisperwood Elemental. It didn’t matter what Ghazi-Glare did, there were too many manifest creatures. For example, Green Devotion had one turn where after entering combat and getting some big guys tapped, then attacking and getting some small guys blocked, it still managed to deal 10 damage. If there was a board stall and a long wait, Atarka would eventually show up and kill off a bunch of small creatures. Ghazi Glare managed to win Game 3 thanks to Wrath of God and Hokori from the sideboard, but that required a perfect sequence of events, and the sole copy of Wrath. Blowout. Green Devotion advances, 3-1.

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