Infect has to mulligan to 4, can’t find any threats. Jund mulligans to 6.
Infect plays a Glistener Elf. Jund’s mana elf gets cancelled by mental misstep.
Elf attacks with mutagenic growth to deal 3 poison.
Blinkmoth Nexus attacks to deal another poison. Polukranos arrives.
Nexus brings poison count to 5. Stormbreath Dragon arrives, but doesn’t attack.
Polukranos and the Dragon stay back to defend, while Xenagos arrives and starts attacking with satyrs.
Infect is hoping to draw a Titanic Growth to combine with an Apostle’s Blessing in hand, but doesn’t find it and dies to attacking satyrs. Jund Monsters 1-0.
A T1 Glistener Elf that attacks with titanic growth on turn 2 brings Jund to 5 poison.
T3 Nexus makes it 6. Then T4 Nexus with Titanic Growth FTW. Infect 1-1.
G3 (sideboarded)
Infect keeps a weird hand. T2: Caryatid. Spellskite for infect.
T3 Polukranos – but it gets dismembered.
T4 mana dork. A Nexus attacks with 2 Rancors. 5 poison!
T5 Stormbreath Dragon. Stays back to defend. But he is dismembered and the 2x Rancor Nexus returns FTW. Infect 2-1.
T1 Glistener Elf.
T2: A Caryatid. It blocks the elf and gets a little smaller. An Ichorclaw Myr.
T3: Goblin Rabblemaster. The Nexus and Myr attack after a Gitaxian Probe, and get through for 2 poison.
T4: Stormbreath Dragon. Hangs back. The Myr attacks, Rabblemaster blocks. A spellskite is cast.
T5: Jund adds a Mutavault and a new Rabblemaster. 3 Goblins attack, 1 is blocked by Spellskite. On Infect’s turn, the Myr attacks and the Caryatid chump blocks.
T6 4 goblins attack, 2 get blocked. The dragon gets dismembered, but that brings Infect to 5 life. Infect attacks, but Jund is only at 4 poison.
T7 Stormbreath Dragon #2 attacks with haste to bring Infect to 1. The infect player draws a land.
T8 win. Jund Monsters 2-2.
The Infect player has everything he wants in hand for a quick win, except he has only 1 land (a Nexus) and no forest. (He has an elf, 2 Rancors, Apostle’s Blessing, Nexus, Green Sun’s Zenith and Gut Shot.) He decides to gamble… if he draws a forest, he figures he’s nigh unstoppable. But… he never draws a forest. 5 draws go by and he’s killed by 2 Scavenging Oozes and a Mutavault. The Infect player admits it was a bad keep decision. We figure the game one mulligan-to-4 was fresh in his memory and warped his judgment. Jund Monsters advances, 3-2. Mistakes were made!