2019 3rd place match: Rally vs Jund Monsters


Jund went first. A turn 2 Scavening Ooze (“Scooze”) presented quite a worry for Rally’s gameplan of returning cards from the graveyard. Rally had tiny Jace. A T3 Rabblemaster was bounced by a T3 Reflector Mage, which also held off the ooze. T4 Polukranos was bounced when Rally cast an elf, then Sidisi’s Faithful exploited it (poor elf). T5 Scavenging Ooze devours some graveyard to become a 4/4, and attacks Rally down to 13 life. Rabblemaster returns. Rally does the exact same play, cast an elf, then exploit it with a new Sidisi’s Familiar. Also, tiny Jace, transforms and adds a -2/-0 condition to a goblin. Turn 6 Scooze returns and immediately becomes a 4/4 again. Rally adds Grim Haruspex and gives a -2 to the Scooze. T7 Jund casts Domri and kills off the Haruspex who was forced to fight the Scooze. Reflector Mage and Rabblemaster kill each other, but Jace stays alive. Then Rally casts Nantuko Husk and a Catacomb Sifter. Jace is at 8 loyalty and there are 2 Sidisi’s Familiars. T8 Scooze become a 6/6. A mana elf and a sylvan caryatid join the team. But the Husk keeps the Scooze from attacking. On Rally’s turn, Collected Company from Rally kind of whiffs, only finding an elf. But using Jace’s ability, and sac’ing a scion for mana, Rally gets to cast Collected Company a 2nd time, this time finding an elf and a reflector mage, which bounces the Scooze. T9 Jund isn’t allows to play Scooze yet, so instead plays Mizzium Mortars with Overload to kill all creatures except the Husk, but this allows Rally to sacrifice creatures in response and get lots of scry triggers, finding a Rally the Ancestors. Rally wins on its turn, by cast Zulaport, then attacking with Husk and casting Rally the Ancestors (thanks to Scooze being stuck in Jund’s hand) to crash in for lots of damage. Zulaport Cutthroat triggers take care of the rest.


A turn 3 Polukranos from Jund. A Catacomb Sifter from Rally. T4 Xenagos. A Scion blocks Polukranos. T5 attacks bring Rally to 14. Endstep Collected Company into tiny Jace and Reflector Mage which bounces the Polukranos, but not before it goes monstrous to kill Jace. Then Rally plays Jace #2. T6 Polukranos returns and goes monstrous to kill the 2nd Jace. Rally casts Husk and Zulaport. T7 attacks from Jund take out a blocking Mage. T8 attacks bring Rally to 5 life, Jund at 17. During endstep, the Rally player knows he can play back to back Rally the Ancestors, but it won’t be enough to do 17 damage. An endstep Rally the Ancestors, sac’ing creatures brings Jund to 10 life. Rally untaps, draws Rally #2 (which he knew was there) and casts it, and with an elf draw card trigger on the stack, sacs some more creatures to get more scry triggers – and finds the crucial Zulaport #2. Zulaport #2 and more sacrifices helps finish off Jund. Rally 2-0.


T1 Despise discards a Scavenging Ooze. T3 Rabblemaster from Jund. Rally plays tiny Jace. T4 Domri kills Jace and goblins crash in bringing Rally to 12. Ayli buys some time for Rally, but Rally can’t keep up and dies on Turn 7.


Rally goes first this game. A Turn 4 Reflector Mage bounces a Rabblemaster. Jund plays Polukranos. A Turn 5 attack meets Collected Company which finds Ayli and an Arashin Cleric from the sideboard. Ayli blocks to kill Polukranos, who goes monstrous to kill and elf. T6 STormbreath Dragon puts Rally to 14 life. It turns into a race, but an endstep Rally on Turn 8 into another Rally on Turn 9 finished off Jund.

Rally takes 3rd place!

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