GW Astral Slide vs Bant Company

I played Astral Slide and I was very nervous as this seemed like a terrible matchup. Company can make creatures indestructible which nullifies my board sweepers. Spell Queller can stop my Slides or Wraths. Company has main deck enchantment destruction. Reflector Mage can bounce Angel tokens. And yep, it was a blowout. Game 1 Company recovered quickly from a board sweeper with back to back Collected Company and quickly overwhelmed me despite my having two Astral Slides in play. Game 2 I waited to play Slide because of an Akroma’s Revenge in hand, figured I’d board wipe then take control with Slide, but the turn before I could afford the spell he played Selfless Spirit, so that ruined that plan and I wasn’t able to adjust fast enough. Game 3 Astral Slide won with Eternal Witness tricks, recurring Rude Awakening, but only because Company was stuck several turns on 2 mana so I had time to develop my mana base, and also I was able to cycle decree of justice with two Astral Slides in play and stack my triggers so that I blinked a Spell Queller with Wrath of God, played the Wrath, and then resolved the Decree soldier tokens. Game 4 Slide got flooded and Gideon from the sideboard was unstoppable. So long, Slide. Cool deck though, lots of tricksy plays, especially with Witness. Not an easy deck to pilot – I may have lost game 4 solely because I decided to play a cycling land on turn 1. When later I could not find a cycling card, I regretted that. Bant Company just had too many different kinds of answers and Slide needed too much time to build up the mana for the mana-intensive bombs.

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