2004 Cranial Affinity vs 2007 Gruul Beatdown

There’s a bit of an asterisk to this result as we didn’t count the first game we played. In the first game, the Affinity player sacrificed Ravager to try and make a giant Ornithopter, assuming I had an Incinerate but since he hadn’t played that card in years, totally forgot that it cancelled out regeneration effects. After scooping up his cards and accepting defeat, I decided not to count the game at all because he never would’ve made that play if he had remembered what Incinerate actually did. So, we called it a practice match and restarted. But… that was a game that might’ve gone to Gruul.

G1: Affinity kept a pretty risky hand, Seal of Fire prevented Blinkmoth from activating, Gruul got some 3/3 tramplers on beatdown and Affinity lost. Affinity 0-1.

G2: Two back to back Ravagers was the story of this game. Affinity 1-1.

G3: (sideboarded) Super fast Affinity hand with two Ravagers and Ornithopter. Affinity 2-1.

G4: Affinity mulled to 5. Gruul had Ancient Grudge, creatures, and even more removal. Affinity 2-2.

G5: Affinity keeps a risky hand and is stuck on two mana for several turns. I was playing Gruul and I had a Mire Boa and Ancient Grudge and Incinerate and a Moldervine Cloak. I didn’t want to tap out to cast the Cloak because I was worried he might topdeck a red mana source and I wouldn’t be able to regenerate my Boa, but really, that’s what I should’ve done because his odds are low of getting the red mana that turn, I also don’t know if he even has a Shrapnel Blast, and going aggressive against Affinity is a great situation to be in. But instead, I played it safe, hoping to draw a fourth land before I tried that line. It was the wrong call. I should’ve used my removal during an endstep where he missed a land drop, played the Cloak, and crossed my fingers that my odds were good. But instead I was too cautious. When he drew out of his situation with 2 thoughtcasts and then played Ravager and Disciple, it was too late to save the game. Meanwhile I was still on 3 lands with just a Mire Boa. I think I punted this game, and thus this match. Affinity had some bad draws, that was my chance to pull out an upset. But, no. Affinity 3-2.

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