2010 Mythic Conscription vs 2014 Jund Monsters

The 2nd ranked deck, Mythic Conscription, is known for incredibly fast mana ramping, leading to the +10/+10 aura Eldrazi Conscription. Jund Monsters has some ramp too. Neither deck plays much removal, so it’s all about which deck can ramp into something good. Given the multiple 2nd place finishes for Mythic Conscription, the assumption is that it is favored here. If it can get decent draws. But, that’s a big if. Turns out, it was an unreasonable ask.
G1: Jund wins the die roll. Mythic can’t find a playable hand and mulls to 5 cards. Jund kills a Noble Hierarch with Mizzium Mortars, then plays Xenagos on turn 4 and starts making hasty Satyrs. Mythic adds some lands. By the time the Mythic deck is able to play Sovereigns of Alara it is too late, the next turn is lethal: 4 satyrs, an elf, and an ooze come crashing in. Jund 1-0.
G2: A turn four concession from Jund after Mythic uses double Lotus Cobras to power out Sovereigns of Alara on turn 4! That’s how this deck is supposed to work.
G3: Both decks mull to 6. Mythic has mana dorks and not much else. A Rabblemaster gets hit by a Celestial Purge, but Polukranos makes the situation rather desperate, kills off the little guys and then calls Stormbreath to join in on the face stomping. Jund 2-1.
G4: The mythic deck can’t find a playable hand. After a mulligan to 6, Mythic keeps 4 lands, Sovereigns, and an Eldrazi Concription, knowing it’s a terrible hand but hoping to maybe draw into some ramp. Nope. Draws more lands. Guess I should’ve mulled to 5. Big upset! Mythic had one good hand (game 2) and the rest were terrible. Luck does play a factor in this game, no doubt about it.

Jund Monsters wins the match 3-1.

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