2011 Shrine Red vs 2017 Temurge Delirium

This might have been a closer match if Shrine Red had more creatures, since Temurge has Kozilek’s Return which can clear the board, but Shrine Red usually only had one creature in play backed up with burn spells and Shrine of Burning Rage, the deck’s namesake. In game 1 there was some hope for Temurge, who stabilized at 2 life with Elder Deep Fiend (which recurred Kozilek’s return, the 3rd Kozilek’s return that game.) But Shrine Red drew Arc Trail off the top to win. Game 2 Shrine Red kept a no creature hand but was rewarded with Goblin Guide off the top turn 1, which made a huge difference. Removal spells and Teetering Peaks kept the pressure on, and Hero of Oxid Ridge finished off the opponent by turn 7. Game 3 a risky one-land keep turned into a punt for the Shrine deck, with no 2nd land until turn 7, so Temurge was able to win that one thanks to Chandra, but Game 4 involved two Shrines, and when they were sacrificed they did 12 damage. Shrine Red advances 3-1.

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