2009 5-Color Blood upsets 2004 Affinity

A mana hungry deck with lands that enter tapped against a deck that can potentially empty its whole hand turn one? That doesn’t seem like a fair match. But don’t underestimate the power of cheap removal and cascade spells! Here’s what happened:

Game 1: Two Arcbound Ravagers and a Disciple by Turn 4 vs lands that enter tapped makes this game a quick and ugly win for Affinity. The disciple gets killed by a Lightning Bolt but it’s too little too late. Affinity 1-0.

Game 2:
Affinity plays Disciple plus 2 Ornithopters and Welding Jar.
Disciple #2 joins the field, although there is no Ravager in sight. Frogmite too.
5CB is able to play Bloodbraid Elf on turn 4 and gets a Putrid Leech. Affinity finally draws Cranial Plating and equips it to an Ornithopter. and gets in a nice attack.
On turn 5 Affinity has lethal and goes for it by attacking with everything, even the Disciples, but Bituminous Blast into Lightning Bolt is a drastic reversal of fate, which also ends in all the Disciples getting killed. 5CB can now start attacking, while disrupting Affinity with another Bituminous Blast and 2 Cryptic Commands, which prevent the Ravager who finally shows up from being a threat. On the final turn, after 5CB having stabilized at 3 life, Cruel Ultimatum even resolves. It’s possible a more conservative line here, withholding a Disciple until a Ravager showed up would’ve led to a win, but playing conservatively with Affinity is not an obvious choice, and pre-sideboard there are no Infests yet, so it was probably correct, although risky. The risk backfired. 1-1.

Game 3:
Affinity has literally nothing to add from the sideboard, so the deck stays unchanged. 5CB adds Path to Exile and Infest. But, uh-oh, 5CB sees only 1 land in the first two hands, has to keep another one land hand after the mulligan to 5, but then starts to have hope with Path to Exile and Lightning Bolt doing some good work to prolong the game. But a Frogmite with modular counters AND Cranial Plating ends the game on turn 5. Affinity 2-1.

Game 4:
This one was close. 5CB gets out Putrid Leech which blocks an Arcbound Worker, (the token goes on a Nexus) but Affinity had 2 Disciples and 2 Frogmites. The Leech gets bigger to survive Infest, and that kills the 2 Disciples and 2 Frogmites, but leaves a Nexus with a counter (from when the Worker died the previous turn). After that, Affinity gets flooded. Affinity eventually finds a Ravager and a 3/2 flier, but with 5CB at 5 life, the Leech gets big and Volcanic Fallout kills the Nexus and the other flier while they are attacking. Now 5CB is at 1 life with a Putrid Leech facing a 3/3 Ravager, but 5CB gets the sick topdeck rip: the one-of Broodmate Dragon. Ravager attacks, Leech chump-blocks, and 5CB gets to Bituminous Blast into another Leech. Knowing that blocking is assured, the 2 Dragons can attack for two straight turns, and that’s enough. 5CB wins with 1 life left. Record: 2-2.

Game 5:
On turn 2 Affinity has an Ornithopter, a Ravager, one tapped artifact land and a tapped Nexus, and 5CB miraculously has two untapped lands that can both make red mana. Double Lightning bolt gets the Orni and the Ravager and leaves Affinity with just a Nexus. But Cranial Plating on the next turn keeps things interesting. 5CB starts playing cheap threats (Kitchen Finks, then Sygg plus Leech) and the Turn 4 Sygg is amazing because it draws a card. 5CB just has so much more removal (Volcanic Fallout, Path, and Doom Blade) and Affinity loses with no black mana sources, two Disciples in hand, 3 Platings in play and no creatures. 5-Color Blood Advances 3-2!

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