2015 Red Aggro vs 2016 UW Flash

I’m playing red aggro. I go first.
G1 (UW gets flooded.)
T1 Zurgo. T2 Swiftspear joins the Zurgo attack. Lightning Berserker post combat. Dec in Stone gets the Berserker. T3 Zurgo & Swiftspear attack again. Abbot gets cast. T4 I attack, Stasis Snare gets the abbot. Then Gideon arrives, makes a knight. But T5 I burn the knight, kill Gideon, and add a Firedrinker Satyr. He plays a Selfless Spirit. Next turn I keep Zurgo back and attack with Satyr & Swiftspear. Selfless Spirit trades with the Satyr, he goes to 10. I play Abbot #2. He adds another blocker. T7 I cast Abbot #3, which reveals a Lightning Strike. I burn the blocker, and with prowess triggers get him to 3 life. He loses on turn 8. He was flooded, had 7 lands.
Red Aggro 1-0.

Another T1 Zurgo. Turn 2 Smuggler’s Copter. T2 Zurgo gets in for 2. I cast Abbot. T3 Reflector Mage bounces Zurgo. I play Abbot #2 and get a free Swiftspear. T4 Gideon. Makes a knight. I play Zurgo, and make a controversial choice: I attack him (not Gideon) with everyone. He crews the Copter, I burn the copter with Stoke the Flames before blocks, then he takes out an Abbot and I’ve got him to 13 life. He attacks me for 2. He makes a knight. Next turn I attack him again, with my Abbot and Swiftspear and Stoke #2 for prowess triggers but he plays Spell Queller to stop the Stoke damage. Next turn he makes an emblem, then plays Gideon #2, sacrificing old Gideon. On my turn I cast Stoke #3 to get his 3/4 Spell Queller, which gives me a free Stoke that was under the Queller. I use that on a knight and then attack Gideon #2 and kill him. Next turn he has nothing but an emblem, so I attack with Swiftspear and Zurgo, but he flashes in Rattlechains, which is now a 3/2, and gives other spirits flash, so he flashes in Selfless Spirit (3/2) too. He doubleblocks Swiftspear. I Lightning Strike him to 10, Swiftspear gets 1 of the blockers, and Zurgo gets through. He’s at 8 life. He attacks me to 15. I attack with Zurgo and trade with the Spirit. I play Zurgo #2, but another Spell Queller cancels it. I try to attack with Lightning Berserker, but Stasis Snare stops it. It’s starting to look like red will lose. Spell Queller attacks me to 12. I have nothing. Queller attacks me to 9. I manage to find a Lightning Berserker and get him to 4, but I need to hold up mana in case he flashes in a small creature during my endstep (I have a Wild Slash to protect me.) He attacks me to 3. I have one draw left. Exquisite Firecraft! 4 damage, FTW. Close one. Monored 2-0.

G3 (with sideboard)
Red Aggro mulligans to 6. Thraben Inspector. Firedrinker Satyr. Selfless Spirit. Spirit gets burned by a Lightning Strike. He taps out to crack a clue during my endstep, and I play Searing Blood. He plays Dec in Stone on the Satyr. I cast Abbot which finds me land #4. Swiftspear attacks for 1. He plays a 5th land, says go. I attack, he casts Blessed Alliance and I lose a swiftspear as he gains life. Now he’s at 18. Thraben Inspector #2. I have to say go, with an abbot but no spells. 2 more turns go by. He’s at 8 lands, I’m at 7. I use firecraft to kill one inspector and attack with Abbot but he has stasis snare. I play swiftspear #2 and don’t attack. He plays Reflector Mage on the swiftspear. Later I have Swiftspear back and I play a new abbot which finds me lightning strike. I attack, he blocks with mage, I think I’m pretty clever and cast 2 lightning strikes (had 1 in hand) targeting him, to get 2 prowess triggers and kill his Mage, but he has stasis snare so it doesn’t work. Then, he has Dec in Stone for the abbot. Well, I’m out of creatures now, but he’s at 12. Exquisite Firecraft and Stoke the Flames gets him to 4. Topdeck another Stoke FTW. 12 damage from 3 burn spells in 2 turns! Monored advances 3-0.

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