League Table

Any deck that been champion twice in a tournament that I helped pilot gets retired to the hall of fame. Decks that made it to the quarterfinals or better in the most recent tournament are automatically included in the top 16, bumping decks to a lower ranking even if they have more points. This gives decks that recently had a good run another chance to prove themselves.

League Table

PosTeamAdj. RankNotesPts
10.1Champion x1 (beats other HoF decks)-
20.2Champion x2-
30.3Champion x2-
40.4Champion x2-
50.5Champion x2-
611st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd53
722nd, 2nd, 3rd, 4th52
832nd, 2nd, 2nd, 4th, 4th48
941st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd46
1051st, 2nd, 3rd40
1162nd, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd39
1492nd, 3rd, 4th, 4th24
15102nd, 3rd22
17121st, 3rd13
1813recent qtr3
1914recent Qtr1
2015recent Qtr1
2116recent Qtr1
23182nd, 4th, 5thpl12
24191st among Tier2 decks10
25201st (long ago), 3rd10
26212nd in a small tournament10
28232nd(long ago)9
29242nd, 2nd9
3025recent top87
3934recent 4thpl2
41364th pl2
422005 Enduring Ideal38-1
44991st, 4th0
44991st (long ago), 3rd(tie)0
442004 Krark-Clan Ironworks991st (long ago)0
44991st (long ago), 3rd0
442012 BR Zombies99recent top80
442014 Black Devotion993rd, 4th-1
4499recent Qtr0
44992020 Top80
44992020 Top80
4499recent Top80

Decks are ranked by points based on performances in past tournaments. Points for good results are offset by bad results.
1st pl – 31 pts.
2nd pl – 15 pts
3rd pl (unshared) – 7 pts
3rd pl (tied) – 5 pts
4th pl – 3 pts
5th pl – 1.6
6th pl – 1.3
7th pl – 1.1
8th pl or Quarterfinalist (four-way tie for 5th pl) 1 pt

These points vanish if they are offset by null results. Null results offset worst results before offsetting best results.

0  offsets any 5th-8th pl finish
00 offsets 4th pl finish
000 offsets 3rd pl finish
0000 offsets 2nd pl finish
00000 offsets 1st pl finish

I also knock a few points off a deck’s score every time they finish a tournament outside of the top 8. A deck that never makes top 8 is usually not invited back, but sometimes we decide to give a deck another chance. Decks that do well once or twice but then keep missing out on top8 eventually lose all their points and don’t get invited any more.

Any 0 results that are not being used to offset contribute -1 points.