Instructions for the evolution game
[back to evolution homepage] [populations] [foodchain] [mutations] [store]
GAME OVER. Terry Cloth Monkeys win. PLEASE leave comments about what it was like to play in the feedback forum:
Turn 13
At this point, I will compute the next turn as soon as everyone has responded.
Turn 12
At this point, I will compute the next turn as soon as everyone has responded.
Turn 11
At this point, I will compute the next turn as soon as everyone has responded.
Turn 10
At this point, I will compute the next turn as soon as everyone has responded.
Turn 9
Send me your latest choices. The deadline for turn 9 submissions is Tuesday at 11 pm PST. But it helps if you send them right away. "Fixed" mutations now only have a biomass of 800.
Extinct players, please send me obituaries.
Please add feedback to the forum:
Turn 8
Send me your latest choices. The deadline for turn 8 submissions is Saturday at 11 pm PST. But it helps if you send them right away. "Fixed" mutations now only have a biomass of 850.
Extinct players, please send me obituaries.
Please add feedback to the forum:
Turn 7
Send me your latest choices. The deadline for turn 7 submissions is Tuesday at 11 pm PST. But it helps if you send them right away. "Fixed" mutations now only have a biomass of 900. It is now cheaper to buy a +10 starting bonus for a new mutation.
Turn 6
Send me your latest choices. The deadline for turn 6 submissions is Sunday at 11 pm PST. But it helps if you send them right away. Note new rules and items in the store, including new "fixed" mutations.
Turn 5
Send me your latest choices. The deadline for turn 5 submissions is Wednesday at 11 pm PST. But it helps if you send them right away. Note new rules and items in the store, and 2 new mutations. Check out the biomass graph from the populations page.
Turn Four
Note some new rules listed in the store. Send me your latest choices.
Deadline for turn four submissions: Friday March 7 at 11:30 pm PST
Turn Three
Okay, this turn nothing is free (although if you haven't tried to use a free coupon, you still have it.) Time to start seeing if there are any trends starting to form as the intricate foodweb starts to become settled into predator and prey. Check the page for your species (from the populations page) to find out how many points you have, and just keep reacting and making adjustments as we go through each turn. I will try to warn you if I see you nearing extinction, although these things can be sudden and without warning (like if all of a sudden everyone tries to eat you on one turn.) There is lots of information across these pages to help you get an idea of what your competition is doing. Pay special attention to your diet. Your "ranking" is essentially how much biomass you possess, which is also exactly how much you need to eat. If you have a biomass of 1000, and 50% of your diet is oreos, then you are hoping to consume 500 oreos next turn. It doesn't take a genius to realize that if 6 different species all try to do this, then all of those species are gong to get less food than they hoped for. (Our formula decides how the species compete for food, and it takes into account mutations. Any of your biomass that isn't successfully fed starves to death. Then the survivors reproduce.
If anyone makes a new mutation, you can give it attack or defense vs ANY other mutation, not just slobbery, scraggly or shaggy.
So keep sending me your decisions, ranked in order in case there is confusion about spending costs.
The deadline for turn 3 submissions is Wednesday, March 5 at 10 pm PST.
Turn Two:
Look at the populations page. From there you can click on your own species page. Make sure there are no errors on your page. Take note of how many points you have to spend at the store.
For turn two you get one free coupon to choose a species to prey upon. If you want to add more prey to your diet, you will have to spend points. But the first is free. Look at all the species and decide which one you would like to add to your diet for free. The new species will become only 10% of your diet (I will reduce your other two sources of food to 45% each.) Do some research... take note of other species mutations and how they interact with yours, take note of who you are competing with for the same food sources.
Next, tell me how you would like to spend the rest of your points. Any unused points will be saved and added to your next round, at which time you wil receive more points. The points you receive will vary from turn to turn. Also, the cost of things will vary. Visit the store page to see the costs. Always list your "purchases" in order of importance in case there is confusion about what things cost and I have to eliminate one of your choices.
so, in the next email you send me, tell me
1. The name of the species you would like to add to your diet for free.
2. Any purchases you would like to make (changing diet percentages, boosting existing mutations or reproductive rates, purchasing mutations from the mutations list, or creating new mutations. List your purchases in order of importance in case you overspend.)
3. Give me feedback about your experience, and feel free to ask questions.
I will try to meet my deadlines for advancing the turns, but if you miss a deadline, check the website... if I haven't loaded the info for the next turn yet, you might have still have time for a late email.
The deadline for turn two submissions is Monday at 10 pm PST.
Turn One:
1. Name your species
2. Pick one of three starting mutations (scraggly, slobbery, shaggy)
3. Choose two species as prey (check populations page for available choices - there are seven basic
resources, like grass, at the start of each game)
4. Make up your own new mutation
a) Name the mutation
b) choose what kind of bonus it gives (attack or defense)
c) choose which mutation it gives its bonus against (check mutations page for available choices)
5. email the moderator all the new information
6. Check back in two days for updates. Use your new points to purchase new attributes at the store. Try to keep your species from going extinct!