[back to evolution homepage] [populations] [foodchain] [mutations] [store] [instructions]
every turn, you receive points to spend at the store. The species that is thriving the most receives the least points, those nearing extinction receive more points to help them survive.
note about mutations: you cannot create attacks and defenses vs. other species, only vs. other mutations. For example, if you want to create "armor" because a "saber-toothed tiger" is eating you, which has the mutations "scraggly" and "giant teeth," then create "armor" which gives a defensive bonus against either "scraggly" or "giant teeth"
also, you can remove (sell) some abilities to GAIN points. (You cannot sell diet allocations)
RULE: You cannot have fewer than three mutations.
create and name a new mutation [24]
(note: a new mutation has no bonus. You have to buy a +10 bonus. A new mutation cannot start out its first turn with any bonus higher than +30.)
give that new mutation +10 attack or defense against a neutral mutation [78]
give that new mutation +10 attack against a fixed mutation [14]
give that new mutation +10 attack against another player-designed mutation [22]
give that new mutation +10 defense against another player-designed mutation [22]
-- when creating mutations you can have attack and defense bonuses against several different mutations at the same time, as long as you can afford it.
purchase an already existing mutation = [cost is listed on Mutations page]
(You can only boost a purchased mutation after waiting for one turn.)
+5 boost to a mutation bonus (vs a neutral mutation) that you already have had for at least one turn by [18]
+5 boost to a mutation bonus (vs a non-neutral mutation) that you already have had for at least one turn [10]
remove a mutation that is a non-neutral mutation [380]
remove a neutral mutation [440]
note about removing mutations: you cannot also reduce its bonus in the same turn. You cannot have fewer than three mutations.
reduce a mutation bonus by -5. You cannot go below -30. [+4]
add +5 to size of litter (reproduction) [120]
subtract -5 from reproduction rate [+30] max: twice per turn. You cannot go below 0.
add new player managed species to your list of prey [103, or 150 if you already have 5 or more prey]
add new fixed species (leaves, oreos, etc.) to your diet [103, or 163 if you already have 5 or more prey]
change 1% of your diet allocation [1]
remove a prey species from your diet [+15]
RULE: you cannot increase the diet of any one prey by more than 30 using paid allocation changes. However, removed prey or newly added prey may force your existing prey to increase more than 30%.
Extinct prey is NOT automaticaly removed for you.
You may keep extinct prey in your diet if you so desire.
You can also lower prey to 0%.
When you buy or remove prey, tell me how you would like the percentages to be re-allocated.
New prey starts out as only 10% of your diet (unless it is your only prey after extinctions).
When adding our subtracting prey, feel free to tell me how you would prefer you diet to end up. If you don't tell me, I'll adjust your diet according to the formulas below.
To keep your diet total at 100%, I reduce your other diet percentages by a total of 10%, starting with any species that are extinct. Any of your other diet percentages that are MORE than 10% get reduced equally to get the overall diet back to 100%. But I want to keep everything an integer, and I don't want to reduce any non-extinct diets below 10 unless I am forced to. If I can't divide the reductions equally, I will reduce the highest percentage by more than the others, unless there is a tie for highest, in which case i reduce more of the next one down. If there is still a tie I guess I'll reduce the percentage more for a species with a smaller biomass. If there is STILL a tie, well, I guess I'll just choose randomly, or you can, after all it's only 1% it's not that big of a deal. Sorry so confusing,eventually we should have a little store page that computes it for you. Feel free to email me with questions.
You can only choose a species for prey that is not already one of your predators.
CHANGE: If two species select to add each other as prey during the same turn, neither species succeeds and the points are mostly reimbursed, subject to a penalty of [30].
If your diet allocation was originally / 45% A / 45% B / 10% C / across three different species of prey, and you wanted to change it to / 35% A / 25% B / 40% C / you would need to pay for / 10% / + / 20% / + / 30% / which means you must pay for 60% of changed diet allocation.