Existing Mutations [cost]

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neutral mutations (no bonuses)

scraggly [80]
slobbery [80]
shaggy [80]

fixed mutations (no bonuses)

green [100]
scary [100]
sweet [100]

attack mutations

Huge Maw +20 attack vs shaggy [37]
excessive ejaculate (can be fired at will) +20 attack vs scraggly [49]
provoke desperation +20 attack vs slobbery [42]
Hair Clippers +20 attack vs shaggy [27]
Smother +20 attack vs scraggly [52]
Daddy Tang's magic whoop ass belt +20 attack vs slobbery [50]
Buzzer Beating Fadeaway +5 attack vs Provoke Desperation [30]

defense mutations

Spongy +20 defense vs slobbery [55]
Smothering D +20 defense vs shaggy [37]
The Shocker +20 defense vs shaggy [45]
Herd Mentality +20 defense vs scraggly [55]
Acoustics +20 defense vs shaggy [39]
verbose +20 defense vs scraggly [65]
Slippery +20 defense vs scraggly


Finite Contemplation +5 defense vs Smother [25]
Spermicide +5 defense vs excessive ejaculate [25]
Pornstar Reflexes +10 defense vs excessive ejaculate [40]
Power Outage +10 defense vs Hair Clippers [40]
Sponge-like Appearance +10 defense vs Spongy [25]
Last Ditch Effort +30 vs Smother [75]
Escape Death +30 vs Smother [75]